Marriage (Weddings)

It is such a special time –and we would love to help make it even more special with you.

-          What if I don’t live in the area?

With a connection to the parish, normally it is possible to get married here. But even if it is not possible to have a full legal ceremony here, we can still have a blessing (dedication service) here. It is very similar to a wedding service, and most people don’t notice the difference.

-          What if I have been married before?

Fortunately, God believes in forgiveness and fresh starts – and so do we. We would love to stand with you as you seek to move forward, and know God’s strength in that.

-          Can I get married in church if I don’t come to church?

Obviously we would love you to come to church, but you don’t have to to be able to be married in church. What matters is that you can make your marriage vows in integrity, and you are willing for us to pray with you.

Do contact one of the Clergy, if you want to know more. We look forward to celebrating your big day with you both.